Why are we against little dolls?


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Апр 7, 2024
Restrictions on small dolls, especially those that resemble children, stem from legal and ethical concerns about the depiction and potential exploitation of minors. Some doll stores never sell baby dolls. Here are some reasons not to buy baby dolls:
1. Child protection: Small child-like dolls may be seen as promoting or normalizing inappropriate and harmful behavior, including pedophilia and child sexual abuse. Banning these dolls helps protect children from potential harm and exploitation.

2. Legal Implications: Because laws prohibit the production, possession, or distribution of child pornography or material that sexualizes a minor, the possession or distribution of small dolls that resemble children may be illegal in many jurisdictions. Such laws are designed to deter and prosecute individuals who engage in or support the exploitation of children.

3. Social Stigma: Due to the sensitive and taboo nature of child sexual abuse, the presence of small child-like dolls may lead to social stigma and public outrage. Banning these dolls helps maintain social norms and standards regarding the protection of children and the prevention of sexual violence.

4. Psychological impact: The production and consumption of small dolls that resemble children can have negative psychological impacts on individuals and society as a whole. Allowing the production and sale of such dolls may normalize and desensitize individuals to inappropriate and harmful behavior, which may lead to increased rates of child sexual abuse.

5. Ethical considerations: There are ethical considerations surrounding the production and use of small child-like dolls, including issues regarding the dignity and rights of children, the objectification of minors, and potential harm to vulnerable groups. Banning these dolls reflects society's commitment to upholding ethical standards and protecting the welfare of children.
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